Iris Unique

Smoky Elestial Quartz from Brazil, Natural Crystal, Smoky Quartz, Alligator Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Elestial Quartz, Skeletal Quartz, Raw


Natural Smoky Elestial Quartz point from Brazil-read more below!

Crystal ID# KSE1
Measures approximately 3” x 1 5/16" x 15/16”
Crystal Attributes: Glassy *Double Terminated Smoky *Elestial formations with beautiful clarity, over a *Fairy Frost Clear Quartz. Just beautiful!

*To learn about these natural crystal formations, head to my FREE Crystal Formation Encyclopedia on!

⚡️⚡️⚡️Smoky Quartz is one of the most efficient grounding and cleansing stones. It teaches you how to leave behind anything that no longer serves you. It removes negativity and negative energy of any kind and transforms them to positive energy.

An elestial has many natural terminations and folds over a multi-layered crystal. It has a gently flowing energy that removes blockages and fear, balancing the polarities and opening the way to necessary change. Sustaining and comforting, it is helpful in overcoming burdens and in connecting to the eternal self. This crystal can take you into other lives to understand your karma or deep into yourself to give an insight into the spiritual process at work.

***All photos are completely unedited***

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