Surface Markings, Part 1
Formations for self reflection and soul growth

In this course, you will learn about FIVE different surface markings on crystals-each with their own separate and unique meanings.
Surface Markings discussed in Part 1 include:
-Record Keeper
-Record Keeper: Traditional
-Record Keeper: Trigon
-Self Healing

Deepen your Understanding
By enrolling this course, you will be taught:
-How to visually differentiate between each formation, using relatable examples
–In depth metaphysical properties for each separate formation, and what they mean for you personally
-How to practically apply each unique formation in your own day to day life
Course includes:
*Pre-recorded instructional videos on each formation to view at your convenience
*Multiple photo and/or video examples of each unique formation, to fully grasp each formation
*Homework (AKA Soul Work) paired with each formation to support your journey
*Final course quiz to test what you’ve learned
*Show and Tell! A place where you can post crystals from your collection, and inspire group discussion